You only need 3 things from GOD


For those who do not believe in a power greater than the human race, this article is probably not for you. For everyone else this is about what we all want from that super power we have so many names including Nature, Divine Mind, Divine Soul, Lord, God, Almighty, higher intelligence and many others. I prefer to call it GOD as it nicely summarises the role it plays in our lives.

G- Generator of everything there is and ever will be.
O- Operator of the things he creates
D- Destroyer of things

I want to make sure that this is not meant to be a religious discussion and quite frankly I’m not a very religious person myself. My intent is simply to try and summarise what I think each one of us truly want and should be asking from GOD. In spirituality it is often said “We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey”. When I heard this the first time I found it rather “”cool”. I did not necessarily understand what it meant but used it as part of my vocabulary. As I kept reading and listening to people it dawned upon me what this actually meant. The answer dawned upon me when I asked myself the question Who am I?

The more I tried to define who I was the more I got confused. The first obvious answer was that I was Vipin. That was not right because that was just my name. Every answer that I came up with felt incomplete. That’s when I realised that we tend to identify ourselves by the various “labels” we have or the “roles” we believe we are playing. Father, mother, son, daughter, teacher, boss, friend, etc. If you think about it, all of these are only relationships we have with the people around. So obviously we are beyond all of this. We are something more than all of this. Are we souls or spirits who live in human bodies? I don’t know. Maybe. It’s widely accepted that once we die our souls leave our bodies. So maybe we are souls. Irrespective of all that spiritual talk, the fact remains that we are all in some form or the other looking for a support mechanism to lean on. When we feel weak, uncertain, fearful, powerless or want something, we want help and support from someone or something. For some strange reason this tends to give us a sense of confidence, instills faith, and helps us believe that there is a better future for us.

My belief is that our purpose in life can be summarised in 2 words


Everyone knows that our lives are limited. There is a start point and an end point. The journey between the 2 points is what we call life. So our job is to experience the journey to the fullest. This is probably the only trip where the journey is more important than the destination. The destination for all of us rich or poor, big or small, man or woman is the same. So our job is to make the best if this journey and Experience everything that we can on the journey.

When we come back from a holiday we are eager to share the experience with our friends. We blog about it, share photos, post on Facebook, Twitter and talk to everyone about it. The simple reason being that it gives us a lot of joy and happiness to talk about it. We love to Express ourselves. Similarly the true joy of life comes from expressing our experience with others. This expression comes in different forms like inventing, creating, sharing, art, music, and any other thing we do. Anything that we do is a form of Expression. Even this blog post is my way of expressing what I experienced in my life about GOD.

So what are the 3 things your need to be asking GOD?

1. Power

By power I don’t mean the power that we think that comes with money, authority or position. It’s the power to live the life we have been given to its fullest. It’s the power to be able to face life’s challenges and learn from them. The power to go through pain and fear and grow. Power to be strong to accept things you cannot change and change the things you can. The power to live a life we all Want to live but are stopping from living. Once you have the power, everything else that you desire in your life will automatically come into your life.

2. Peace

Science has done wonders for the human race. However one thing that it has not been able to do is to understand how to give people happiness. It’s a well know fact and proven through many surveys that despite the scientific advances and innovations, we as humans have become less and less happier. What is the reason I wonder? One reason is probably because the answer to our happiness is not on the outside but on the inside. Every successful person will tell you that the secret to true happiness lies within. Take the journey within and get to know yourself better and you will start seeing the difference. Ask GOD for inner peace so that you don’t have to rely on anything external to give you happiness.

3. Purity

Ask for purity in thoughts. As James Allen in his timeless classic As a man Thinketh puts it “We don’t attract what we want, but what we are. Only by changing your thoughts will you change your thoughts”. The logic of the book is unassailable: Noble thoughts make a noble per- son, negative thoughts hammer out a miserable one. To a person mired in negativity, the world looks as if it is made of confusion and fear. On the other hand, Allen noted, when we curtail our negative and destructive thoughts, “All the world softens towards us, and is ready to help us.” It is true that a lot of our misery and pain in life stems from the impurity in our thoughts. When we see people with jealously, mistrust, anger, our actions will be driven with the same feelings and emotions.

To quote James Allen once again
“Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results … We understand this law in the natural world, and work with it; but few understand it in the mental and moral world—although its operation there is just as simple and unde- viating—and they, therefore, do not cooperate with it.”

So the next time you fold your hands, kneel down or bow down to GOD, remember the 3P’s you need to focus on. Funny it’s almost like to 4P’s of marketing….. LOL..

Have a good life!!!