Interview Question :Tell me about your weakness?


Can you tell me something about your weakness and how you are working on overcoming these? This is probably one of the most dreaded questions in an interview. It completely catches you off guard, even though you have been preparing for this for days, if not months. So what is the right answer to this?. Like most interview questions, there is no right or wrong answer but there are some very powerful techniques which you can use to respond to this question which can blow your interviewer away. Most of us have been taught the traditional approach to say something like “Well you see I am a perfectionist and so I struggle with someone who is not attentive to quality” or something like ” I am someone who is very passionate about my work and so I find it difficult to work with people who don’t share the same level of passion”. These are conventional ways of responding to this questions and recruiters these days realise that all of this is nothing but glorified talk.

I subscribe to a Youtube channel by Dan O’ Connor who is the founder of www. and specialises in training and coaching on communication skills. I’m very impressed by the simplicity and fresh ideas he brings to the table. Rather than the mundane old fashioned way of responding, Dan gives practical and importantly usable tips for our day to day conversations and communication needs. In this series he talks about some creative ways to respond to the question on your weakness. I enjoyed every minute of his video. Have fun and use his techniques. I can tell you they are powerful!