Tedx – Take 2


It’s not very often that one gets to freely express his views and opinions on a public stage. Having the opportunity to do this a 2nd time on a platform like Tedx is indeed a privilege and honour. I want to thank the Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus and the organisers for inviting me to be a speaker.

My first Tedx Talk focussed on sharing my experiences from my corporate life. In this one at the University I share my thoughts on the power of ignorance. While the internet has brought information to our finger tips, we seem to have lost our ability to make sense of this information. We are bombarded with information through our day and are finding it extremely difficult to keep pace with the rate at which we receive information.

I still remember my post graduation days when I had to produce a research project. Back then internet was in it nascency. We spent 3 months searching libraries and going through books, publications and magazines to produce our report. We learnt a lot!. These days thanks to the internet the information can be pulled together in a matter of days if not hours. This is indeed a great leap and advantage the current generation has. However on the flip side, this has also led many to draw up conclusions and fixed opinions about things based on limited information.

Google has replaced the wisdom that we used to receive through years of study and learning. Every 2nd person on the internet claims to be an expert on something. We seem to be losing our ability to question and reason the information presented to us. We are more than happy to take the information pill rather than go through the effort to expanding and enhancing our experience of life by exploring and actually knowing what life has to offer us.

In an age where information is sold and revered, I want us to take a moment to think about the importance of Ignorance. Being ignorant does not mean that you shy away from learning or avoid knowing. On the contrary it means that you never stop learning. It means to shy away from forming fixed opinions and unnecessary conclusions.

I love what the Greek Philosopher Socrates once said

The only thing I know is that I know Nothing

There is a vast difference between having information, being knowledgeable and actually knowing something.  That’s why Life is called a Journey because a Journey is all about exploring, experiencing and knowing.

Here’s another video which I delivered on the same subject last year. Just a different twist!