Never Say Never – Justin Bieber


For my last post in the musical series I have chosen a more contemporary artist which hopefully the younger generation of today will resonate with. I came across this song when watching The Karate Kid. Its a brilliant movie of how a young boy fights his way to his personal respect and self esteem through martial arts. To be honest I’m not a big fan of Justin Bieber or the contemporary music style but this song struck a chord with me and I decided to look up the lyrics. For me the essence of the song is “Never to underestimate what we are capable of”. As humans we are blessed with an intellect and a mind which is so powerful, it is believed that we dont know what we are capable of unless we try.


Never say never
Never ever, never, never ever, never ever

See I never thought that I could walk through fire
I never thought that I could take the burn
I never had the strength to take it higher
Until I reached the point of no return

Most of us go through life in constant search of security. We always want a safety net on. Just in case something goes wrong. Like one of my favourite motivational speakers Les Brown puts it, most people in life drive with their emergency brakes on. We live in constant doubt and in the fear of something that may go wrong. We will never realise our true potential this way. When we pursue a goal, we need to cut all paths of retreat. Only then will we give it our best and only then will we see what we are truly capable of.

And there’s just no turning back
When your heart’s under attack
Gonna give everything I have
It’s my destiny

I will never say never
I will fight
I will fight ’til forever
To make it right

When we pursue our goal we need to be emotionally involved with it. Call it passion, fire in the belly or whatever. When you are emotionally involved and the heart desires something you will give it everything you have and you will create your destiny. You will fight to make it right. You will not stop untill you WIN!

Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground
Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, up, up
And never say never

Ne-never say never
Ne-never say never
Ne-never say never
Never say it, never, never say it

Life will knock you down. Thats a harsh reality. Failure is not when you get knocked down. Failure only happens if you decide to stay there. Les Brown mentions something in all his speeches. “When life knocks you down, make sure you land on your back, coz if you can look up you can get up”. Life is like a boxing match in many ways. You opponent will keep trying to knock you down. As long as you have the courage and the determination to get up and keep going you will make progress and will eventually WIN. So never give up and never say never.

I never thought I could feel this power
I never thought that I could feel this free
I’m strong enough to climb the highest tower
And I’m fast enough to run across the sea

All of us have had our moments in time when we felt the “high”, when we felt that we were “unstoppable”, that we could conquer the world. Unfortunately for most of us this feeling is often short lived and dies down in a few days, hours or sometimes in minutes. The amazing thing is that it does not have to be short lived. We can choose to feel like this all the time. By constantly working on your sub conscious mind and building strength of character, you will start seeing life from a different perspective. Life . will no more be a set of problems, but a set of opportunities for building your character. When things go wrong as they sometimes will, instead of being bogged down, you will develop the courage to face these head on and learn and develop from theses opportunities.

P.s I have intentionally not included the entire song lyrics as the rest of it was not really relevant to my topic here.