Afraid of a Challenge? Stay away from This Man!

Pere Raphael- THE Action Coach

If you are afraid of challenges, you wouldn’t want to be around this person whom I interviewed. (Watch the video till the end to find out why). His challenges can send your heart pounding but also give you tremendous strength once you have done it. He is someone who is

  • An adventurer and leader who has twice summited Mount Kilimanjaro – the highest free standing mountain in the world, and leading over 40 people to do the same.
  • An Action and Success Coach – Helping businesses and owners, achieve great results through taking action.
  • A Business Freedom Coach – Helps you gain freedom from your business so you can do the things that you really care and feel passionate about.

Meet Pere Raphael.  I first met Pere at ToastMasters and to be honest we didn’t talk much the first time apart from a casual exchange of greetings. The second time we met and started talking, I found him to be someone who was very genuine, real and full of energy. Since then we have come along to become good friends and every time I spend time with him, its like reading a new book.


[styledbox type=”general shaded”]Apologies for the poor video. Had issues with the internet bandwidth during recording. The audio is great though.[/styledbox]

Pere is someone with whom you develop an instant connect. He truly speaks from his heart and as he keeps telling me all he is doing is channeling information through him. Enjoy the 30 minutes of the video where we talk about

1. Pere’s lifes journey so far and especially about his experiences of climbing the Kilimanjaro

2. His learnings from being a Life Coach

3. The people who have inspired or influenced Pere the most.

4. Pere’s advice to people on finding life purpose and direction.

5. His top Life tips on living

With over 20 years of experience in starting and managing businesses, Pere surely has a good understanding of what works and what doesn’t in business. Combining business acumen with coaching, he has the right blend of skills to help people succeed in their personal and professional lives. If you would like to connect with Pere, his social contact links are below.


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Question : Which of Pere’s comments did you relate with with most? Leave your comments below.